Podiel zo zisku spoločnosti
Maximálny počet hodín, korý môžeš naakumulovať na svojom účte používaním Viewbaru™,
je 5 hodín za mesiac. Tieto
hodiny možu byť prevedené na podiel z akcií spoločnosti AGLOCO™. Pozri nižšie špecifické pravidlá štátov. Do tvojho celkového počtu naakumulovaných hodín sa započítavajú aj hodiny tvojich priamych a ďalších členov, ktorí používajú Viewbar™. Ak chceš aby ti v danom mesiaci bol vyplatený podiel za tvoje naakumulované hodiny, musíš dosiahnuť minimálny počet hodín, ktorý AGLOCO udáva pre jednotlivé krajiny (štáty).
See the current listing for hourly rates, hours and minimum payout limits on the Global earns Table.
a new company, AGLOCO™ is a private company that is not traded on any
stock exchange. We are exploring public offerings of the stock on
various major global stock exchanges as a means to facilitate the
issuance of shares to Members. Country Specific RestrictionsCurrently
AGLOCO™ is open for Membership to anyone worldwide. However, due to
different regulatory requirements in each country, it may become
necessary for AGLOCO™ to restrict certain countries from Viewbar™
downloads or Viewbar™ use. In some countries, for Member
participation, AGLOCO™ may have to qualify for share issuance prior to
offering shares to Members. In all countries prior to share issuance,
Members' hours will be accrued and shares will be issued when the
AGLOCO™ board of directors approves them. Some countries may
be too small or legal requirements too complicated, for shares to be
issued to Members in that country. (As a Member owned company it may
not be prudent to incur the excess expenses for all Members, just to
distribute shares in the countries so affected). In this case, AGLOCO™
reserves the right to exchange hours for cash, once there is a public
market for AGLOCO™ stock.
Earn Cash As
AGLOCO™ grows and the company generates positive cash flow, we will be
distributing the excess cash to Members and shareholders of the
company. In addition, Members can earn cash directly in their accounts
for certain transactions with AGLOCO™ sponsor sites. Remember,
the company is 100% owned by the Members, so we will put the cash to
work to best reward the Member/shareholders of the company. The cash
will be used for payouts based on hourly Viewbar™ usage, cash dividends to Member / shareholders and/or share buybacks of the company's shares. Members Do Not Earn Hours / Shares / Cash for:
Signing up as a new member.
Referring new members who do not become active members.
Clicking on ads. There is no incentive or requirement to click on ads.
Changing your online behavior in any way. Just download the Viewbar™ software and use the Internet how you always have.
